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请教Nature Made PrenatalMulti + DHA的问题









Rank: 2

发表于 2013-2-7 22:27:03 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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教授麻烦请教一下,我现在32岁,在备孕,看到你推荐的Nature Made PrenatalMulti + DHA不错,本来准备在亚马逊买,但是看到他那儿的评价,这款DHA好像含有什么添加剂,原话是“ The ingredients Red 40 (dye), Yellow 6 (dye), Blue 1 (dye) are unecessarily placed into this pill.”,评价不是很好,说容易引起多动症啊之类的,所以有点不敢买这款了,不知道你怎么看呢?
# Q- Q6 b$ v9 z. O3 D  `7 g" n6 h* h! }7 X( ?
还有现在国内流行的Life‘s DHA,好像说大部分是针对中国在销售,我问了美国的同学,她说她没听过这个牌子,这个牌子到底能不能买呢?还是又是那种国内人为炒火的那种?
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1 q( W& Q2 ?; y1 ?8 z3 j. |9 N; B! Z( a5 H/ t. X
粘贴亚马逊一段比较有代表性的评价:+ I0 e4 F% K* p  ^# d
DO NOT purchase these prenatal vitamins. If you already own them, throw them in the garbage as fast as you can or you can do what I did and get your money back. A sorry payment for such a violating and wrongful doing. I am a new mother of a 12 month old boy. Thinking I was doing something good for my body and baby, I started taking these vitamins on a daily basis 3 months before I became pregnant. After my son was born I nursed him for a year and at that point I realized that I had been ingesting ingredients from this vitamin that I had no idea would have a negative effect on myself and baby. What a let down it was for me to learn I was taking an unsafe and artificial pre-natal vitamin that has the possibility of causing ADHD and damage to brain development.
# S- @0 e& `# |. x# g& H2 d/ ]# k, a9 m* [
I especially thought this was a safe and natural product given the name "Nature Made" and the fact that it was the only prenatal vitamin sold at Costco, a company I ignorantly thought would pride itself on trustworthy products. The ingredients Red 40 (dye), Yellow 6 (dye), Blue 1 (dye) are unecessarily placed into this pill.% @  W; t7 T+ E% M7 c/ N8 h9 Z

! R* o  _8 }( [* SAccording to an article at web address: [...]
8 B7 [" r9 L7 w9 A8 G0 [$ _
/ W! g" v( t6 [* U) a"Red 40 is scientifically linked a strong way to the onset of ADHD or Attention Deficit Disorder, in young children. Removing Red 40 from the diets of children with ADHD makes an astounding difference in behavior. There is also currently a controversy as to whether or not Red 40 causes cancerous tumor growth, especially in your children."
, ?+ C6 ~% t2 `
- _% F8 S, j% z8 b* P2 LNature Made Prenatal Vitamin also contains DHA from anchovy and sardines from an unknown source. When a company doesn't identify the source of their fish oil, we should be questioning the purity of the product. Fish oil has been known to contain mercury, lead, pesticides and other potentially harmful contaminants which can be harmful for mothers and babies. Check out website: [...]. It's a red flag when Nature Made has made two fish oil products that are under scrutiny (lawsuit) for containing the highest amounts of PCBs. According to an article at: [...]
) o& r8 `* R/ F# n4 E& o7 t. h4 ^8 Q9 G* I
"PCBs are a toxic manmade chemical thought to CAUSE BIRTH DEFECTS, cancer, and disruption to the endocrine, reproduction, immune, and nervous systems, so their presence in a supplement taken strictly for health benefits seems a little counterproductive."
1 b/ c. G" Y  P6 q/ \4 S) N# f/ T7 S7 o4 z
Please DO NOT take these vitamins. I've already been pained and will continue to feel regret for having ingested these prenatal vitamins for such a long period of time. My hope is to get the message across to others mothers and future mommies to be.

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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-8 10:17:56 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢教授,那我就放心了4 z9 L1 v) i) _4 }9 r/ P# _
另外life'DHA我特别指的NEW Martek Life's DHA这款,因为国内大部分孕妈妈都吃的这款,好像不能上链接,就是绿色标签上面写了Life's DHA那款,/ _9 h. |5 H: \& F1 O
说是中国这边有人专门找 Martek 原料公司询问,然后这个公司才专门做了这款产品销售,因为是原料商,所以很多妈妈都觉得更放心,但是到现在为止,只有这个产品的官网和亚马逊有这个牌子的这个商品销售,没有看到过其他地方有,这个产品如何呢?
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